Número do Sistema Autônomo 210104 : WAWTEL-AS (Polónia)

🖥 Número do Sistema Autônomo 210104 : WAWTEL-AS (Polónia)

O número do sistema autônomo: AS210104 é gerenciado pela agência WAWTEL-AS sob o Polónia, e o conteúdo específico pode ser encontrado nos detalhes abaixo. Esses dados foram atualizados em: 2024-11-24T06:34:56.

Poland (PL) IP Address
IP Rede - AS210104
Intervalo de endereços: AS210104
Nome da rede: WAWTEL-AS
Eventos: cadastroúltima mudança
Nome da classe: autnum
BGP communities used in AS210104
BGP Communities allow customer of AS210104 to influence
as path advertised to its peers for specific prefix,
and are in 2101:xxxyy format
Where y are:
y=01 - Prepend 1 time
y=02 - Prepend 2 times
y=03 - Prepend 3 times
y=09 - Do Not Advertise
Where x are:
x=100 - Telia Sonera (AS1299)
x=110 - VirtuaOperator (AS50606)
x=120 - Orange Polska (AS5617)
x=130 - PLIX Internet Exchange (AS8545)
x=140 - TPIX Internet Exchange (AS29535)
x=150 - EPIX Open Peering Warszawa-KIX (AS48850)
x=160 - EPIX Open Peering Katowice (AS62047)
x=170 - GOOGLE PNI (AS15169)
x=180 - MICROSOFT (AS8075)
x=190 - FACEBOOK (AS32934)
x=200 - AMAZON AWS (AS16509)
x=210 - Twitch (AS46489)
x=220 -NETFLIX (AS2906)
x=230 -KORBANK (AS35179)
Prepend 2 times to Telia Sonera
2101:666 blackhole community
We mark route entry point using spefified community:
510z - Telia Sonera (AS1299)
511z - VirtuaOperator (AS50606)
512z - Orange Polska (AS5617)
513z - PLIX Internet Exchange (AS8545)
514z - TPIX Internet Exchange (AS29535)
515z - EPIX Open Peering Warszawa-KIX (AS48850)
516z - EPIX Open Peering Katowice (AS62047)
517z - GOOGLE PNI (AS15169)
518z - MICROSOFT (AS8075)
519z - FACEBOOK (AS32934)
520z - AMAZON AWS (AS16509)
521z - Twitch (AS46489)
522z -NETFLIX (AS2906)
where z is used when multiple entry points from peer exist
default 0, backup 1
We reserve communities 2101:xxxx
where xxxx are from 1 to 9999 for internal use
Routing problems: noc@wawtel.pl
We speak Polish, English
Wawtel uses multiple virtual-routing
instances (VRF):
1. Transit PL - partial routing table - consist routes from PL only
2. Quality Internet - full routing table -
consist best routes from all routing tables
Since some customers are available only on specific
routing instance announced routes may differ
General Policy:
We do not strip customer communities, as long as they
aren't restricted by WAWTEL (internal use communities)
We do not accept all RFC1997 communities (no-export etc.)
RFC1918 and other reserved networks and subnets
are not permitted
Advertisements with reserved ASes in the path
(ie 64512 - 65535) are not permitted
Prefixes shorter than /8 or longer than /24 are not permitted.
Advertisements tagged with our own "internal use only"
communities will have all of their communities
stripped from them at ingress
All customer peering sessions are prefix-filtered inbound using
a customer specified import policy pulled from RIPE public registry
Localpref for customer routes will be set to 200 by default
Localpref for PNI routes will be set to 180 by default
Localpref for session over IX routes will be set to 170 by default
Localpref for IX RS routes will be set to 150 by default
Localpref for IP transit routes will be set to 100 by default
Filtrado: This output has been filtered.
Relatório de imprecisão Whois: This output has been filtered.
If you see inaccuracies in the results, please visit:
https://www.ripe.net/contact-form?topic=ripe_dbm&show_form=true ( Relatório de imprecisão )
Fonte: This output has been filtered.
If you see inaccuracies in the results, please visit:
Objects returned came from source
Termos e Condições: This output has been filtered.
If you see inaccuracies in the results, please visit:
Objects returned came from source
This is the RIPE Database query service. The objects are in RDAP format.
http://www.ripe.net/db/support/db-terms-conditions.pdf ( Termos de serviço )
Estado: Ativo
Ligações: https://rdap.db.ripe.net/autnum/210104 ( Auto )
http://www.ripe.net/data-tools/support/documentation/terms ( Copyright )
Servidor Whois: whois.ripe.net
Conformidade: nro_rdap_profile_asn_flat_0, cidr0, rdap_level_0, nro_rdap_profile_0, redacted

entity- MB46883-RIPE
Manusear: MB46883-RIPE
Grupos de utilizador: Administrativo, Técnico
Ligações: https://rdap.db.ripe.net/entity/MB46883-RIPE ( Auto )
http://www.ripe.net/data-tools/support/documentation/terms ( Copyright )
Versão: 4.0
Nome: Marek Burzynski
Gentil: Individual
Endereço: Szachowa 1 04-894 Warsaw POLAND
telefone: +48 22 241 00 00

entity- mnt-pl-wawtel-1
Manusear: mnt-pl-wawtel-1
Grupos de utilizador: Registrante
Ligações: https://rdap.db.ripe.net/entity/mnt-pl-wawtel-1 ( Auto )
http://www.ripe.net/data-tools/support/documentation/terms ( Copyright )
Versão: 4.0
Nome: mnt-pl-wawtel-1
Gentil: Individual

entity- ORG-WSZO20-RIPE
Manusear: ORG-WSZO20-RIPE
Grupos de utilizador: Registrante
Ligações: https://rdap.db.ripe.net/entity/ORG-WSZO20-RIPE ( Auto )
http://www.ripe.net/data-tools/support/documentation/terms ( Copyright )
Versão: 4.0
Nome: Wawtel Sp. z o.o.
Gentil: Org
Endereço: Szachowa 1 04-894 Warsaw POLAND
telefone: +48 22 241 00 00

Grupos de utilizador: Registrante
Ligações: https://rdap.db.ripe.net/entity/RIPE-NCC-END-MNT ( Auto )
http://www.ripe.net/data-tools/support/documentation/terms ( Copyright )
Versão: 4.0
Gentil: Individual

entity- AR48642-RIPE
Manusear: AR48642-RIPE
Grupos de utilizador: Abuso
Versão: 4.0
Nome: Abuse-C Role
Gentil: Grupo
Endereço: Szachowa 1 04-894 Warsaw POLAND
Email: biuro@wawtel.pl
Manusear: mnt-pl-wawtel-1
Grupos de utilizador: Registrante
Ligações: https://rdap.db.ripe.net/entity/mnt-pl-wawtel-1 ( Auto )
http://www.ripe.net/data-tools/support/documentation/terms ( Copyright )
Nome da classe: entity
Versão: 4.0
Nome: mnt-pl-wawtel-1
Gentil: Individual

🖥 O segmento IP incluído no número autônomo AS210104

O seguinte é o número do sistema autônomo: o segmento de endereço IP contido em AS210104, incluindo o IP inicial e o número de IPs em cada segmento;

Rede IP inicial IP final Número de IP 512 256 256 1024 1024

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